Wednesday 17 July 2013

Florals are a fine thing - The Must-Have Watercolour Bedding

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said "Earth laughs in flowers". Isn't that a lovely way to look at them, I couldn't agree more! They are such an expression of joy and vitality, reaching for the Sun as if soaking up all they can from their sometimes short bloom. There will have been a time when primitive and hairy mankind (I mean ages ago, I'm not talking about your ex-husband) will have only witnessed the myriad of possible colours in this world through the natural wild flowers he came across in the native meadows, before the days of paint, dyes and Pantone colour charts...

But that's enough mushy gushy, let's get down to the really important stuff, how to get some super-happy florals into your home styling (without reaching for the watering can!)

Take this eye-poppingly lovely bedding set from Bluebellgray. A lot can be said for modern printing techniques which are facilitating some absolutely stonking designs! This photo-perfect watercolour style print couldn't be more on-trend if it tried. The florals positively burst out of the fabric with bold, perfectly contrasting colours.

Bluebellgray Taransay Bedding
Taransay Duvet Cover in pink by Bluebellgray

However ... at a starting price of £65 for a single duvet cover set, this does pack a punch in the purse.

But fear not, after a little oo'ing and ahh'ing I have found a simply brilliant alternative for your delectation ...

Jardin Purple Duvet and Pillowcase Set by The Range and

Jardin Purple Duvet and Pillowcase Set available only from The Range and

The Jardin bedding set features the exact same style and spirit, rendered in a watercolour print with bold flowers. This set is EXCLUSIVELY (said in a big singy voice!) from The Range, in the stores and online at, you won't see this anywhere else (believe me, I've used my best web-sleuthing!)

One of my favourite parts of this bedding are the leaves that wind their way up between the flower heads for a mesmerising wild meadow look! I also LOVE the cute little bluebells, which for me balance the colour palette perfectly. I personally think this Jardin bedding set has bucket loads of character, I even dare to say more than the Bluebellgray set (Oh yes I did!)

Sure you do have to sacrifice a little cotton for a synthetic alternative, but this is still a 50/50 polycotton mix throughout. Want to hear the best part? This fab bedding set starts at just £10.99 for a single, and a king size will only set you back £18.99! Phew, I can't take all this bargain-buzzing excitement!! Click here to go see it.

With a big chunk of the budget left over what's to stop you popping some real flowers around to fill your place with amazing aromas? Because to be fair these bedding sets can't help with that!

Happy furnishing lovelies!

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